Have you listened to the latest episode of the Partnership Podcast featuring SAIFCharter member, Edward Poole of A.J. Sellman Family Funeral Directors? In this episode, Edward chats to Malcolm Flanders about the regulation of pre-planning and Golden Charter’s Funeral Director Agreement.

Former guest of the podcast, Funeral Planning Authority CEO Graeme McAusland, spoke about what the FPA’s new rules and code of practice mean for us as Independents and why we’ll need a more formal agreement with our funeral plan provider in a recent podcast here. Now that Golden Charter has introduced  the agreement, Edward discusses his experience of signing and the confidence this gives him that Independents will all be operating within the same parameters and providing families with a guaranteed level of service which will help to boost consumer confidence in our profession.

We know many of our members are currently considering what the agreement means so we would encourage you all to take a listen to this episode here.

Don’t forget, you can find all past episodes of the podcast at http://goldencharter.buzzsprout.com/737468. If after listening to the podcast you have anything you would like to raise with our Association, please contact Secretary@SAIFCharter.co.uk