The SAIFCharter 2021/22 membership renewal process is now open and you can complete your declaration online in a few easy steps via the email issued to all members today, Monday 1 March.

 As the shareholder ownership association of Golden Charter, we have the ability to shape the commercial success and influence the future of the independent sector. Other benefits of our association include:

  • Golden Charter’s highest funeral plan pay outs
  • Support for funeral plan marketing activities including free merchandise for local events, subject to business approval
  • Volume allocations of plans and Funeral Benefit Options
  • Discretionary top up payments on older plans maturing
  • Opportunity to join a SAIFCharter Working Group and represent the views of independent funeral directors in the development of the funeral planning market


SAIFCharter membership is free. Renewing will only take a few seconds to complete and will ensure you continue to receive the enhanced rewards and exclusive benefits of SAIFCharter membership in 2021/22, and allow us to meet the timeline and requirements set out in our association’s constitution.

If you have any questions or have not received the email containing your renewal link, please contact